Unitronics: UniCloud

UniCloud is a complete no-code IIoT platform for manufacturers and operators of devices, machines and automats! The Unitronics online portal gives you the ability to visualise, store and analyse all process data processed anywhere on Unitronics controllers.

The charm of this novel portal lies in the simple configuration of your own IIoT application, which requires no programming knowledge or expertise from cloud professionals. You can create your own cloud application tailored to specific needs with simple "click-and-select" and thus present, manage and process your machines or their data online, for example.

In the meantime, UniCloud has reached an important milestone: conformity and certification with the ISO 27001 - 27017 data security management standards for organisations and cloud service providers.

These ISO certifications are industry standards and offer many benefits to both UniCloud customers and their clients. 

  •  ISO 27001 certification: An international standard for information security management and best practices for organisations. 
  • ISO 27017 certification: An international security standard for cloud service providers and users to create a more secure cloud-based environment for users and reduce the risk of security issues.
What does this mean for you?
By implementing ISO 27017 and 27001 guidelines, additional measures have been taken to improve both data security management and data protection methodology for UniCloud. This will further protect your information and data from damage or loss and other security risks. Both you as a UniCloud user and your customers benefit from international cloud security standards at a high level.

UniCloud ISO27001 en
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